Our Mate Press Brake Tooling Catalogs Are Updated for Summer of 2015
In our last post we featured our addition of the 55mm high Wila Trumpf style press brake dies. But we’ve been especially busy and recently added several other new products and product line extensions. We have also completed a significant number of updates to the Mate press brake tooling catalogs which we think you will find helpful.
The highlights include:
- An inch to metric and gauge conversion page
- A solutions gallery featuring a multi-page spread showing a wide variety of specials
- New data regarding our hemming tool products
- New data regarding our Z Offset tooling
- 42 new dies for the Wila Trumpf Style product family
- Additions to our holders, clamps and extensions
Downloading the Mate press brake tooling catalogs is a very popular feature of this site. We work hard to keep the catalogs up-to-date with current information about our complete lines of press brake tooling and accessories so you can be confident you have the most accurate information. The recently updated European Precision Style, Wila Trumpf Style, and our Adapters and Extensions catalogs our available now to download at your convenience.