DynoLock™ Bases


The Mate DynoLock workholding bases are the foundation of your workholding system and the key to superior productivity. The product mounts to your machine bed, tombstone, pyramid or riser. The DynoLock workholding base offers best-in-class accuracy and repeatability and maintains a superior holding force on the top tool. Mate takes the term Zero Point very seriously. DynoLock has what it takes to securely hold your vise, whether you change the same vise repeatedly or exchange it for a different one. Our workholding bases reduce your machine setup times and keep you in the cut.

Product highlights: 

  • Maximum holding power and best-in-class center accuracy and repeatability
  • Pull studs are secured by a collar for superior holding
  • Zero-point quality engagement with 52mm and 96mm four-post pull stud pattern
  • Available in 11 size variations

52 Series

Part Number M5MBS-104-01 M5MBR-116-01 M5MBR-157-01 M5MBX-116150-02
Description Square Base Round Base Round Base Rectangular Base
Size 104MM Width 116MM Diameter 157MM Diameter 116MM Width x 150MM Length


96 Series

Part Number M9MBR-176-01 M9MBR-246-01 M9MBR-246-02 M9MBR-246-03
Description Round Round Round Round
Size 176MM 246MM 246MM 246MM
Variation 63MM T-Slot 63MM T-Slot 90-Degree Groove Haas and Matsuura
Part Number M9MBS-192-01 M9MBS-192-02 M9MBX-156192-02 M9MBX-192246-01
Description Square Square Rectangular Rectangular
Size 192MM 192MM 156MM Width x 192MM Length 192MM Width x 246MM Length
Variation Standard 63MM T-Slot Standard Standard
Part Number M9MBX-192246-02 M9MBA-126150
Description Rectangular Adapter
Size 192MM Width x 246MM Length 126MM Width x 150MM Length
Variation For Haas UMC-500
5-Axis Milling Machines
Adapts DynoLock 96-Series bases to DynoGrip 52-Series Vises

DynoLock™ Workholding Bases Features

  1. Table mount options: mounting bore holes or toe clamp engagement
  2. Manually actuated using standard 6mm hex
  3. Raised contact pads ensures better flatness and improved machining debris removal
  4. Collar style pull stud engagement design – centering distribution for superior holding force and repeatability
  5. Poka-Yoke alignment feature
  6. Mate’s QuickSpecs™ 2D bar code tag that is smartphone enabled and 3D graphic supported, with links to full product specs and CAD files
  7. Lifters (ball plungers) help to lift the vise off of the contact surfaces of the base to making vise removal easier
  8. Toe Clamp engagement option for direct mounting to the machine table
  9. Precision center probe hole for acquiring location indicator readings
  10. Compatible with competitor vises if Mate pull studs are attached
  11. Supports bottom centering plate and alignment keys for direct mount 5-axis machine tables
  12. Made in USA. 
  13. Patents Pending.